One of the challenging things that most effective listing brokers live with is the fact that the client sees very little of what the agent they chose is doing for them.
The clients know what their broker is supposed to be doing … then they are asked to have faith that he is doing it.
And they may never know how well you do it.
One of my core values is to make sure the client has confidence in my capabilities and competence … so my listing clients will experience what I am doing on their behalf in real time.
It all starts with the first meeting at the listing appointment. What should you expect of your prospective Agent and what should you look for that meeting ?
Your agent should be chosen for solid reasons which should include: personal communications skills, writing ability, negotiation sophistication, and the quality of his work product. The goal in my initial appointment is to see that my clients clearly experience this skill set.
Judge the agent you expect to do good work to sell your home by the work he does to secure the listing.
I of course look forward to the opportunity to meet with you and discuss your goals … please allow me to schedule a meeting I would be happy to call you … or send you a resume